Impiegati con successo nelle acciaierie

Furnace for the steel industry

This newly developed gas-fired furnace only requires onethirdof the usual time to heat up rollers in the steel industry

Energy chain in glowing heat in a crane in metal processing plant

In this indoor crane application in metal processing, an increasingly failing festooning system has been replaced by a reliably operating e-chain.

Energy chains for indoor cranes in foundry at high temperatures

Containers containing liquid metal are transported in a foundry using three cranes. Special E4/4 roller energy chains undertake the cable guidance.

Lubrication-free plastic energy chain operates fail-safe in steel mill

In this steel mill, a metal chain was replaced by a plastic energy chain that has been fail-safe since 2007, together with chainflex cables designed for moving applications.

Indoor and outdoor cranes

Outdoor cranes must withstand harsh weather conditions. Indoor cranes also work under alternating moisture influences with simultaneous extremely high temperatures.

Automatic Zinc Line

igus® energy chains have successfully replaced the dangling cables previously used to supply the rotary drums in this zinc line.

Storage and Retrieval Units for High-Bay Warehouses

igus® energy chains are used in the storage and retrieval units of the company viastore systems in Stuttgart due to their operational reliability, even more noise reduction and lower material costs.

Storage and retrieval machine

Due to the relatively high dynamic values, a guidelok slimline F was used for the safe guiding of the energy chain in this storage and retrieval machine with a lifting height of 6 meters.
Maanshan Maanshan, fabbrica di acciaio e ferro: temperature elevate, carichi pesanti, tanta polvere e alta velocità.
voestalpine Stahl Donawitz: contaminazione elevata, mentre le rotaie che verranno laminate vengono ripulite dalle scorie.
Slovacchia, fabbrica di alluminio. È in funzione da nove anni senza difetti. Corsa 62 m, velocità 0,3 m/s.
Shagang Shagang, fabbrica di acciaio e ferro in Cina. Temperature elevate, alta velocità, tanta polvere.
Meishan Meishan, fabbrica di acciaio e ferro, Nanchino in Cina. Gru, tanta polvere, alta velocità.

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